The best way to build your brand is going live April 30th, 2024.

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What is the Total Brand Sprint, and Why Did We Build It?

Discover the Power of Strategic Branding with the Total Brand Sprint.

The Total Brand Sprint offers a 10-module intensive that walks you through brand development while coaxing you to look at your business through a strategic lens. This complete approach significantly enhances your chances of success, ensuring that your branding resonates deeply with your target audience.
A composite image showing elements and instructors of the Total Brand Sprint
  • Crafted for Impact and Accessibility

    We created the Total Brand Sprint in response to the glaring need for effective, yet affordable, branding solutions. The market is flooded with quick fixes—freelancers promising overnight success, AI tools offering instant logos—yet these shortcuts often fall short of creating a brand with depth and resonance. True branding extends far beyond the surface, requiring thoughtful consideration of your customers and a design that genuinely connects and attracts.

  • A Foolproof Method for Entrepreneurs

    Our methodology, taught live at top institutions and incubators, is now accessible virtually to entrepreneurs everywhere. The Total Brand Sprint demystifies the branding process, offering a step-by-step guide to creating a brand with intention and strategy. With our course, anyone can create a comprehensive brand—encompassing everything from logos to fonts, colour palettes, design principles, imagery, guidelines, and voice—without prior graphic design experience.

  • Reminder... You Need More Than Just a Logo

    It's a common misconception that a logo alone constitutes a brand. However, a truly impactful brand encompasses the reasoning behind the logo, the chosen fonts and palette, the design aesthetic, and all the strategic elements that inform its use. The Total Brand Sprint equips you with all these assets and the knowledge to use them effectively, transforming the way you present your business to the world.

Who's Behind the Total Brand Sprint?

Developed by Wyps Creative | Toronto, ON

Monica Low

Brand Strategist

Monica Low is a passionate and innovative Brand Strategist with two decades of experience across diverse industries. Known for her ability to blend analytical thinking with creative insight, she has been instrumental in revitalizing brands, developing compelling narratives, and establishing strong market positioning for both start-ups and established companies alike. Monica's strength lies in her holistic approach to brand strategy, encompassing deep consumer understanding, rigorous market analysis, and impactful storytelling. Her track record includes successful brand campaigns that have driven growth, enhanced customer engagement, and solidified brand identity. Always ahead of industry trends, Monica’s strategic vision continually pushes brands to new heights.

Andrew Patterson

Design & Imagery

Andrew Patterson is a Graphic Design Specialist and Brand-Centric Creative Director with over 15 years of experience transforming complex ideas into distinctive brand narratives. His exceptional aesthetic sensibility, coupled with a profound understanding of branding principles, positions him as an influential figure in the creative industry. As Creative Director, Andrew has successfully led multidisciplinary teams, fostering an environment of innovation and collaboration that consistently yields effective, brand-enhancing design solutions. Renowned for his versatility, he excels at spearheading a diverse range of projects, from branding and identity creation to integrated advertising campaigns and interactive design. Andrew’s commitment to brand-focused creativity, and his knack for balancing compelling design with strategic objectives, have empowered brands to resonate deeply with their target audiences and assert their uniqueness in competitive markets.

Lucas DeClavasio

Tone, Voice & Copy

Lucas DeClavasio is a highly skilled copy editor and brand voice specialist with over 12 years of experience crafting and refining compelling brand messages. His proficiency in editing and his deep understanding of tone and voice has been instrumental in helping brands develop distinct and consistent personalities across diverse channels. He excels at aligning written content with brand values, ensuring that every word contributes to a coherent and engaging narrative. His meticulous attention to detail combined with his expertise in linguistics allows him to polish and perfect copy while preserving and amplifying its original intent. From startups seeking to establish their identity to multinational corporations looking to maintain brand consistency, Lucas' work consistently resonates with target audiences and strengthens brand-customer relationships.

Best in class...

The Total Brand Sprint has been taught at the following institutions:

Humber Longo Centre for Entrepreneurship
iCube University of Toronto Mississauga
Spring Collective
Y Space York University

What Happens When You Take Part in the Total Brand Sprint?

By taking part in the Total Brand Sprint journey, you walk away with a complete and fully built brand, setting the foundation for your business's future success. Here's what you'll achieve through this comprehensive 10-module course:

  • Understand the Essence of Branding:
    Learn what a brand truly encompasses, moving beyond logos to grasp its impact on business perception and customer connection.

  • Craft Aesthetic-Forward Customer Personas:
    Build detailed customer personas to tailor your brand for maximum visual resonance with your target audience, ensuring your messaging hits the mark every time.

  • Define Your Brand Compass:
    Develop your brand's Purpose, Vision, Mission, Values, and Position, creating a strong identity that guides your business decisions and differentiates you in the market.

  • Select the Perfect Typography:
    Dive into the world of fonts and typography to choose the right style that speaks your brand's language, enhancing its personality and readability.

  • Harness the Psychology of Colour:
    Understand the emotional and psychological implications of colour choices, and create a colour palette that aligns with your brand's ethos and appeals to your target audience.

  • Design a Memorable Logo:
    Learn the principles of effective logo design, from types of logos to considerations for creation, ensuring your brand mark stands out and tells your story.

  • Utilize Imagery and Graphics:
    Integrate photography, illustrations, and graphic elements that complement your brand, enriching its visual narrative and aesthetic appeal.

  • Craft Your Brand's Tone and Voice:
    Establish a unique tone and voice that reflects your brand's personality and tells your story, ensuring consistency and emotional connection across all communications.

  • Organize and Manage Brand Assets:
    Compile and manage a comprehensive asset library, including logos, fonts, colour palettes, and imagery, streamlining your branding efforts and ensuring consistency.

  • Activate Your Brand in the Market:
    Transition from brand development to market presence, leveraging your newly created assets for marketing materials and strategies that captivate and engage your audience.

Who is the Total Brand Sprint for?

The Total Brand Sprint is meticulously crafted for the visionary entrepreneur, the passionate startup founder, and the small business owner poised on the brink of something great but stalled by the elusive puzzle of effective branding.

It's for the creative spirits who believe in the power of their ideas but need a structured, strategic path to translate those ideas into a cohesive brand identity. Whether you're launching a new venture or looking to refresh an existing brand with a deeper understanding and alignment with your target audience, this program is your beacon. Ideal for those with little to no graphic design experience, yet equally enriching for seasoned marketers seeking a fresh, impactful approach to branding, Total Brand Sprint empowers you to become the architect of your brand's success story, ensuring your vision is not just seen but felt and remembered.

People LOVE the Total Brand Sprint

“I loved it. I think it was so awesome and amazing. And for a lay person like me, who doesn't have a lot of experience, pretty much none with working with computers and the tech aspect, I found it super helpful and easy to do.”

Jen Lee, Founder, Thrive Health + Wellness

“Extremely informative & valuable workshop on Branding & Storytelling. The workshop covered important topics like customer persona, developing a brand identity & leveraging digital tools to create cost-effective messaging. Wysp included case studies and examples of various branding processes, keeping the session interactive and engaging for the attendees.”

Alina Ali, YSpace, York University

“I found it very, very useful and the foundation of knowing how to go through the creative process, you can easily apply to other applications. I really enjoyed it!”

Ethan Fung, Chief Executive Officer, Expresume

“I’m so grateful to all of the experts at Wysp for their creativity and knowledge. Their branding workshop was an incredible help to our incubator members. The facilitators really went above and beyond to answer questions from our start-up founders and offer meaningful advice on best practices for how to establish an effective action place with branding. I’d definitely recommend attending a session with them!”

Kayla S., ICUBE at UTM

Frequently Asked Questions

Wondering if Total Brand Sprint is for you?

  • What exactly is the Total Brand Sprint?

    The Total Brand Sprint is a comprehensive, 10-module online course designed to guide entrepreneurs, startup founders, and small business owners through the process of designing and building a complete and effective brand. The course covers everything from understanding the essence of branding, creating customer personas, and developing a brand strategy, to choosing your brand's colours, designing a logo, and applying your brand across various mediums.

  • Who should enroll in the Total Brand Sprint?

    This program is ideal for anyone looking to launch a new business, rebrand an existing business, or gain a deeper understanding of how to connect with their target audience through effective branding. Whether you're a complete novice in design or a seasoned marketer looking for a structured approach to branding, the Total Brand Sprint has something to offer.

  • Do I need any design experience to take part?

    No, you do not need any prior design experience to benefit from the Total Brand Sprint. The course is designed to guide you step by step, providing the tools and knowledge needed to create your brand from scratch, regardless of your background. We will be using a mix of online tools like Canva, Adobe Color, Google Fonts and more to design and build a strong brand that works for your business.

  • How long does the program take to complete?

    While the Total Brand Sprint is self-paced, allowing you to work through the modules at your own convenience, participants can typically complete the course over a weekend if they dedicate full days to it. However, you might choose to spread the work over a longer period, depending on your schedule and pace of learning.

  • What outcomes can I expect after completing the Total Brand Sprint?

    Upon completing the course, you'll have a fully realized brand that includes a logo, colour palette, typography, imagery, brand voice, and comprehensive brand standards guide. You'll also have a deeper understanding of your business and how to communicate its value to your ideal customers.

  • Will the price for the Total Brand Sprint stay at $77.99 for long?

    No, we’re running a pre-sale of the Total Brand Sprint as we gear up to launch. Once the doors are open we’ll be increasing the price.

  • Can I use AI with the Total Brand Sprint?

    Yes, AI can be a valuable tool in the brand-building process, offering a unique way to explore brand elements from various perspectives. While AI can inspire creativity and provide you with a range of concepts and ideas, it's important to remember that it's not necessarily a shortcut to save time. Instead, it should be viewed as a collaborative partner in your branding journey. Successful use of AI in branding involves a thoughtful combination of your deep understanding of your brand paired with detailed prompts and the AI's ability to generate diverse creative outputs.

Launch Bonuses

The Total Brand Sprint offers an extensive suite of benefits and exclusive bonuses, designed to enhance your branding journey from the get-go. From a detailed welcome guide and customizable logo templates to comprehensive strategic worksheets and extensive resource libraries, we've got you covered. But for our launch, we're going the extra mile. Discover the special bonuses included with your course fee when you enroll in Total Brand Sprint now—available for a limited time only.

  • Expert Brand Review

    $250 value

    Get one-on-one time with a professional brand designer. Walk them through the brand you created and get real-time feedback on how to make it even better.

  • Wordmark Generator Cheatsheet

    $40 value

    Need a logo fast for a pitch deck or mock-up purposes? This wordmark cheatsheet can have you design a working logo within an hour.

  • Beyond the Brand Marketing Resource

    $35 value

    This comprehensive guide dives into the dozens of marketing avenues available to you, helping you choose the right strategies tailored to your business needs. Whether you're looking to engage with customers online or offline, this book provides practical insights to kick-start your marketing efforts effectively.

    Additionally, it includes an extensive resource section filled with tools and tips on designing, printing, and producing essential assets and collateral. From digital designs to physical productions, you'll have everything you need to bring your brand to life and make a lasting impression.